Ochs GmbH company profile

We look back with pride over a long tradition in timber construction. Our company’s success is based on our many years of experience with projects at various levels of difficulty and complexity. We build naturally with wood! No other material allows for such flexibility in processing while, at the same time, providing outstanding ecological and physical building characteristics.

Living and working with wood corresponds to the spirit of the times, calling for naturalness, sustainability, healthy living and ecology. Our committed team is comprised of 100 employees. Each individual bears a share of the responsibility for our consistently high level of product quality.

Engineers, architects, stress analysts and construction supervisors guarantee the planning reliability and professional realization of your building project.

Experienced master craftsmen and journeymen implement your building demands in a very short time thanks to prefabrication at our workshop facilities. As a special service, we would be pleased to assist you as a competent point of contact for questions about financing.

And even after the building phase has been completed, we will also remain an attentive partner. We look forward to serving you with comprehensive advice.

Awards & Seals of approval received

Ochs GmbH was decorated with the following awards:
Rhineland-Palatinate Timber Construction Award 2018 | German Timber Construction Award 2011 | Rhineland-Palatinate Timber Construction Award 2011 | Hessen Timber Construction Award 2011 | German Timber Construction Award 2007, shortlisted | Rhineland-Palatinate Timber Construction Award 2006 | Baden-Württemberg Timber Construction Award 2006 | Hessen Timber Construction Award 1999

ZimmerMeisterHaus® e.V.
ZMH is an association and network of highly productive timber construction companies in German-speaking countries. It is the leading quality label for timber home construction, representing over 1,500 building projects.

The Ochs GmbH company, 55481 Kirchberg, GE fulfilled the criteria for admission into the German association ZimmerMeisterHaus-Gruppe with respect to quality and specialised knowledge in 1995 and was granted permission to use the trademark ZimmerMeisterHaus®. Furthermore, the member has lived up to the ideals of the trademark and has contributed to a sound and successful development of the groups within the association as well as to the individual concept of timber house construction. For this we express our sincere appreciation and recognition.

RAL Gütezeichen

RAL Seal of quality for timber home construction
The RAL Seal of quality for timber home construction established for the first time uniform standards of quality for both the craftsmanship as well as in the industrial aspects of timber construction. It applies to all modern types of timber construction and buildings, as well as to manufacturers, builders, banks and insurance providers.

Quality: verified through transparency in the factory and at the construction site
Security: guaranteed through independent constructional monitoring
Experience: in the community of competent manufacturers
Trust: through quality monitoring that warrants flawless products
Intrinsic value: by relying on the RAL Seal of quality as the basis for financing and loans
Complete protection: through the assured adherence to the constructional requirements

Certificate of compliance according to DIN 1052 (HFB). Testing facility for building materials and components.
HFB Institute for the testing and development of building materials and structural elements: A high degree of building construction quality is warranted through quality monitoring by the HFB.

Verein für Präqualifikation
German Organization for the Prequalification of Building Contractors
Ochs GmbH is registered as follows:

Registration number 010.004690
Initial prequalification: 25.06.2009
Scope of services:
111-07 Carpentry and timber construction work
112-01 Roofing and roof covering work
112-03 Constructive facade work
112-17 Tinsmith work
311-09 Carpentry and timber construction work
611-01 Comprehensive building services

The said company has been prequalified for the aforementioned scope of services under the
registration number above and has been entered into the list of prequalified companies by the
German Organization for the Prequalification of Building Contractors at www.pq-verein.de

Meisterhaft Plus Fünf Sterne
This 5-star award signifies the highest level of service and quality recognised by an accrediting institution. It’s tough on the company, but it means the best for you.

Geplant + Ausgeführt
The German „Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen“ expressed recognition in conjunction with the 2016 International Crafts Fair.
Ecumenical church pavilion for the 2015 State Garden Festival in Landau, GE
Planning: Bayer und Uhrig Architects BDA, Kaiserslautern, GE
Realization: Ochs GmbH, Kirchberg, GE

The German „Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen“ nominated this project in conjunction with the 2012 International Crafts Fair:
Episcopal youth welfare office, Don Bosco in Mainz, GE
Planning: Angela Fritsch Architects BDA, Seeheim-Jugenheim, GE
Realization: Ochs GmbH, timber construction, Kirchberg, GE

The ‚Verband HIGHTECHABBUND im Zimmererhandwerk e.V.‘ (German Assc. of high-tech joining in the carpentry trade) is a nation-wide association of operators that offer professional contract joining services.